Creative aged care: Technology-based experiences for personalised care and connection
Presented by Jenny Waycott
This presentation showcases creative uses of technology in aged care. Two stories are presented that investigated how technologies such as video conferencing and immersive virtual reality are being used to provide a sense of enrichment and connection for people living in aged care. The interviews were conducted with aged care staff and volunteers prior to Covid-19. The stories show how technology-based experiences can be, and are being, incorporated into creative approaches to provide personalised care and connection in aged care. They also highlight the work involved in creating these connections, raising questions about how we can ensure these sorts of experiences continue to be offered to people living in aged care.
To download a transcript of the presentation with images, click here.
The research team:
Jenny Waycott, Elena Robertson, Wei Zhao, Steven Baker, Ryan Kelly
The University of Melbourne
Email Jenny Waycott at or view her University of Melbourne researcher profile here.

To watch the next presentation, click here.
Photograph courtesy of Jenny Waycott